About Us

Wall Of Honor

Compassion – kindness – helpfulness – forgiveness – The Institute thanks these powerful leaders for their efforts toward creating the world in which we ALL can live in Peace — This Month we feature Chairman and President of the Wholistic Peace Institute, Educating for Peace, Joshua Stampfer, who is one of these amazing individuals — we are ALL in this together

Rabbi Joshua Stampfer

…a teacher and a true friend of the Institute, Rabbi (teacher) used his last years to understand “What is so good about the Good Book?” Click to watch

“We are Educating for Peace, the only agency that is solely advancing the cause of peace in Oregon. We have the means, we have the skills and talent, what we need is the Will to create a culture of peace”

Joshua Stamper, Rabbi Emeritus Neveh Shalom (60 years of service) and Wholistic Peace Institute Board Chairman
(2008 – 2018)

Featured on Our Wall of Honor with Fondness and Gratitude for their Dedication Toward Peace

Fr. Claude Pomerleau
(August 16, 1938 - July 21, 2019)

Arlene Schnitzer
(Jan 29, 1928 - April 4, 2020)

Elizabeth Furse
(Oct 13, 1936 - April 17, 2021)

Claes Nobel, Founder the United Earth,
great nephew of Alfred Nobel
(July 20, 1930 - April 28, 2021)